Sunday, January 9, 2011

Secrets of Astrology and its relation to Washington D.C.

Have you ever been to Washington D.C. and felt a sudden jolt of this mystical energy around it. The closer you are to the capital building or the white house, the more flabbergasted you’ll feel. Walking inside the Library of congress, to sitting in front of the Washington monument; the energy can be felt all around you. And its not just Washington, but the same energy can be felt at the Vatican Church in Italy. Why is it so, and what is the reason?

The answer is simple, but you may not be able to fathom its coding. The use of Black Magic, and occult ritual are the foundation of these symbolic building, which emits an energy like a radio signal, affecting the minds of people to keep them in control.

When the first foundation of the White House was being laid by George Washington, he waited until the moon entered the sign of Virgo, and only then did he lay the first brick.

Astrology is not just a part of a common man, but it’s a closely guarded entity of our fore fathers around the world. There is not secret o astrology, except the secrets of astrology. Everyone knows there sun sign, and even moon sign, they read the horoscope on websites, and magazines on daily or weekly basis. But, is that true astrology, and how is that those two written paragraph on a website about coming week is related to you personally? The website physically received your birth time, location and date?

Astrology is far deeper and complex than just your normal sun sign, which the forefathers and secret societies like Freemasons, Illuminati and Knights of Malta knew. Everything in Washington D.C. and the Vatican Church is symbolized by astrological patters, and meaning.

The worship of Saturn by the higher elites is a very common ritual. Saturn, according to Hindu and Egyptian scriptures is the most wealth, and fame giving planet. But, the agents of the governments back hundreds of years ago began scaring people about the death inflicting, and misery giving planet Saturn, and gave useless, and powerless ritual to the common man to protect them selves from it yearly transits and cycles. While behind the scenes, the secret prayers of the Kabblah, and The Zohar were being performed to consumed the energy of Saturn in talismans, and rings to bring great success to the powerful men inside the white shiny walls.

The agents also gave people the complete wrong mathematical cycle of the planets, which including the Sun, they made the degree’s of the sun 23 degrees a head of its true position, this way no one can truly know the real transits of sun and other planets.

Learn the secrets of true astrology and its rituals by clicking on the link below. 

Learn more CLICK HERE

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